Basin Analysis – BA: An Integrated Approach
September 6, 2021
Sequence Stratigraphy – SQS
September 6, 2021
parallax background

Shaly Sand Petrophysics - SSP


Petrophysicists, geologists, geophysicists, engineers and explorationists involved in all phases of reservoir evaluation in shaly sand provinces


This course tackles the important and nontrivial problem of practical formation evaluation in shaly sand provinces. The presence of clay minerals and shale laminations strongly affects the physical properties of the reservoir rock and induce significant effects on the response of most logging tools; these perturbations often result in low resistivity/low contrast pay zones that can be significant hydrocarbon producers but are often overlooked. A properly designed analytical program (cores and logs) for the evaluation of shaly sands can add significant reserves in existing fields and can allow for the rapid identification of potential by-passed pay zones in exploration wells. The course is practical and participants are given laboratory and field problems to emphasize the instruction. At the end of the course, the participants will be able to identify and evaluate pay intervals in shaly sands.


  • Determine the nature, volume and distribution of clay minerals and shales in shaly sands, and their impact on the analyses of cores and logs
  • Integrate petrographic, core and log data to significantly improve reservoir evaluation in shaly sands and other rock types containing significant amounts of microporosity.
  • Bring order out of chaos on porosity-permeability cross-plots using rock typing
  • Evaluate effective and total porosity, fluid saturations and producibility of shaly sands using time-tested specific methods
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of advanced logging tools for characterization of shaly sands


Review of log interpretation techniques in clean formations
Core analyses and applications of specific core tests
Petrographic analysis (thin section, X-ray diffraction SEM/EDS) for shaly sand evaluation
The nature of clay minerals and shale laminations and how they are distributed in shaly sands
Influence of clay minerals and shale laminations on petrophysical properties
Occurrence of clay minerals and shale laminations in reservoir rocks and relation to depositional environment and diagenesis
Integration of petrographic, core and log data for evaluation of shaly sands
Effects of clay minerals and shale laminations on log responses in shaly sands: Various methods of shale content evaluation
Models for porosity and saturation determination: Total and Effective Porosity, and Archie, Waxman-Smits, Dual Water and Juhasz saturation methods
Prediction of permeability and producibility from logs in shaly sands: identification of bypassed pay
Use of advanced logs- NMR, BHI, Dipmeters - integration with core data for purposes of evaluation