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Petroleum System Analysis - PSA:
The Most Essential Concepts
and Methods for Exploration and Production


Geoscientists who require a practical familiarity with the application of a variety of state-of-the-art conventional and unconventional tools of hydrocarbon evaluation to sedimentary basins.


Petroleum system is a natural system consists of geologic elements (source, reservoir, seal, overburden rocks) and processes (trap formation, hydrocarbon generation-migration-accumulation, preservation) needed to exist and related to each other spatially and temporally for petroleum accumulation to exist. Today, people use concepts and methods of petroleum system in evaluating petroleum potential and exploration risks in area of investigation. Using petroleum system analyses, new petroleum accumulations have been discovered and significant reduction of exploration risks has taken place.

Petroleum system concept is developed through petroleum geochemistry. The ability to identify number of petroleum system in sedimentary basin uniquely depends on geochemical techniques such as petroleum-petroleum and petroleum-source rock correlations. Detailed reservoir geochemistry has also contributed significant solutions for problems related to field development and production.

Most petroleum geologists know a lot about reservoirs and traps, little about seals, and minimum about source rocks and migration. This contrasts with the knowledge that if we know where oils came from and how and to where they migrate, we can better predict where they will be found. Variable petroleum characteristics across field and good in-field well location also will get explanation and benefit from petroleum geochemistry.


In this five-day course, the most essential concepts and methods of petroleum geochemistry and petroleum system analyses will be discussed through lectures, exercises and workshops. Participants of the course will obtain condensed knowledge of concepts and methods of petroleum geochemistry and petroleum system analyses important for exploring and producing hydrocarbons. Geoscientists and reservoir engineers, both fresh and experienced professionals will get benefit from the course.


Introducing Petroleum Geochemistry
Introducing Petroleum System Analysis
Source Rocks: Sedimentology & Geochemistry
Source Maturation & Variable Maturity Parameters
Expulsion & Migration of Petroleum
Carrier Bed & Regional Sealing as Media & Roof of Migration
Reservoirs: Siliciclastic, Carbonate, Volcaniclastic, Basement
Sealing Rocks: Roles, Characteristics, Potential, Capacity
Traps: Structural, Stratigraphic, Hydrodynamic
Preservation of Accumulation
Reservoir Geochemistry for Field Development
Petroleum System Risk Analysis
Petroleum Systems & Play Types of Kuwait Basins