Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
July 26, 2020
Hydrocarbons in Unconventional Settings (The Geology Perspective)
June 3, 2020
parallax background

Organic Geochemistry and
Source Rock Evaluation


Geologists, Chemists, Petroleum Engineers, Chemical Engineers and those who work in petroleum industry, exploration and production.


This course is devoted to explain what is petroleum source rocks and their role in petroleum exploration. The source rock depositional condition and how they form, which will help to find the proper prospect area in sedimentary basins. The evaluation of the source rock is introduced theoretical and later applied on core rocks

The course includes practical exercises.


To show the importance of source rock study in petroleum exploration
To understanding the role of carbon cycle and biomass and their relation to sedimentary rocks
To enable delegates to evaluate source rock.
To apply the evalaution on core rock.


Importance of source rock study in petroleum exploration 0.5 day
  • Sedimentary Basins and major petroleum rich basins
  • Arabian Gulf Basin
  • Condition to have rich petroleum basins
Introduction to nature of petroleum 0.5 days
Sedimentary Processes and accumulation of organic matter 1 day
  • Chemical composition of the biomass
  • Biological degradation and consumption of organic matter
  • Depositional environments
Kerogen Formation 1 day
  • Diagenesis
  • Catagenesis
  • Metagenesis
Source rock Evaluation 1 day
  • Analytical method
  • TOC
  • Optical method
  • Kerogen chemical analyses
  • Chemical analyses of bitumen and oil
  • Mathematical modeling of source rock modeling
Practical exercise on core study 1 day
About the Instructor

Fowzia Abdullah

Fowzia H. Abdullah is an Associate Professor in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Department of Kuwait University. She joined the department in 1993. She previously worked as a Teaching assistant for three years at the university and as a Researcher in Kuwait Environmental Protection Department for two years. Fowzia obtained a BSc. in Geology and MSc. in Petroleum Geology from Kuwait University and received a PhD and DIC in Organic Geochemistry in Petroleum Exploration from Imperial College-London University, in 1993. In 2000 she joined Institute Français du Pétrole as a scientific visitor for one year. She is the convener of the Petroleum Geology program and the Faculty Advisor for the AAPG student chapter in Kuwait. She is the advisor member is the AAPG Middle East region in since 2010. She is a member in many professional geologic societies; AAPG, EAGE, EMD, SPE and the Geologic Society.

Specialties: Petroleum Geochemistry, Basin Evalaution