Chemicals and the scientific ways of dealing with their dangers
June 3, 2020
Integrated Fractured Reservoir Characterization
June 28, 2020
parallax background

Geochemistry Of
Petroleum Systems


Exploration-Production staff, geologists, geophysicists and engineers in charge of basin exploration and prospect evaluation.


The course has been developed in order to provide a general understanding of the elements and processes which controlled a petroleum system and their impact on the petroleum potential of a basin and on hydrocarbon composition. It is mainly focused on the factors involved on the occurrence and quality of source rock units, the mechanisms underlying generation, expulsion, secondary migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons. It introduces the formalisms which are used for simulating these processes. In this respect it can be see as a foundation course for approaching basin modeling. During this course the main practical geochemical methods designed to assess source rock in term of richness, quality and maturity are reviewed, as well as those employed to constrain migration pathway, such as oil-source rock correlation. Finally, an overview of the in-reservoir alteration processes affecting the composition of accumulated hydrocarbons is provided.

The course includes extensive practical exercises and a project on a real case study (Amazonas Basin).


Understand the input of geochemistry in the study of petroleum systems and its practical utility
Prepare the attendees to approach basin modeling
Provide a strong background to read and understand operational geochemical reports
Maximize exchange with geochemistry specialists
Provide a foundation for more advanced geochemical courses


Petroleum System Concept 1 day
  • Characterization of oil and gas: the geochemical approach
  • Definition of petroleum system: Elements and processes
Source Rock: Formation and Distribution 0.5 days
  • Fossilization of organic matter, Types of kerogen
  • Sedimentation of source rocks, distribution of source rock in space and time
Oil and Gas Generation 0.5 days
  • Mechanism of oil and gas generation
  • Composition of fluids generated during thermal evolution
  • Origin of non-hydrocarbon gases
Basic Methods for Assessing Source Rocks 1 day
  • Microscopic techniques
  • Rock-Eval
Modeling Hydrocarbon Generation 0.5 days
  • Parameters involved in the modeling of Oil and Gas generation (Thermal history, kinetics parameters)
  • Determination of kinetics parameters,calculation of Transformation Ratio and compositional modeling
Expulsion and Secondary Migration 0.5 days
  • Mechanisms and physical formalisms
  • Tracking oil from source to trap: use of molecular descriptors
  • Methods used for modeling migration: ray tracing, invasion/percolation, Darcy’s flow and Introduction to integrated basin modeling
Hydrocarbon Alteration Processes 0.5 days
Correction of The Project 0.5 days
About the Instructor

Alain-Yves Huc

Alain-Yves Huc has a MSc from Nancy University, France (1973) a PhD in Geosciences from Strasbourg University, France (1978) and a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, USA (1979-1980).

From 1980 to 1981 he worked as Associate Researcher at “Laboratory of Applied Geology”, CNRS, Orléans, France

He joined IFPEN group in 1981, successively as Researcher, Project Manager and Head of the geochemistry department (1992), Director of the Exploration Centre at IFP School (2000-2004), Deputy Manager of the Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry Division at IFPEN (2004-2013), and Scientific Senior Advisor (2000-2013). During its career Alain-Yves Huc was involved in numerous industrial projects with National and International Oil Companies.

Alain-Yves Huc is currently Associate Professor at Sorbonne University in Paris (ISTeP), Associate Professor at IFP School, and independent consultant.

Specialist in petroleum geology, Alain Huc is author of 158 published articles in journals and books, 113 Presentations at conferences. Scientific Editor or Author of 7 books on topics covering Petroleum system, source rocks, Unconventional Resources and reservoir geochemistry and holder of 3 Patents. (Google Scholar: 5150 citations, h Index: 39, i10: 87; Research Gate Score: 40.89)

He lectured in Algeria, Angola, France, Germany, India, Iran, Kuwait, Malaysia, Oman, RDC, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, UAE, UK, Venezuela and Yemen. He teaches in French and International universities.